WORKOUT NEWS -----------
BIG REMINDER!!! We will not hold our regularly scheduled coached practices on Thursday or Friday. The Thursday swim and the Friday run are cancelled. But, the pool is OPEN on Friday morning. If you'd like to burn off some post-Turkey Day calories, there will be workout available and a lane reserved for the club at 7am.
Our schedule will look like this:
5:45- 7:00am
UNCW Track and Field
Thanksgiving Holiday!
Thanksgiving Holiday!
7:00 - 8:00am
7:00 - 8:00am
[lane reserved for the club]
RUN THIS SUNDAY!! Join us for coffee and a run! We meet at the Landfall Starbucks between 6am and 6:50am for coffee and conversation. At 7am, we hit the road - choose your distance and your pace for a social run for all levels. Invite a friend and meet us there!
NEXT MONDAY!! Holly Konrady will host YOGA FOR ATHLETES at 6:00am
– 7:00a at the YWCA MAIN BUILDING. Instead of our normal cycling session,
we will practice flexibility, balance and stability! Instead of your bike gear,
bring a yoga mat, a towel and hydration! All athletes (full season and
swim-only) are invited to attend!
PLUS!!! PLUS!! PLUS!!! MARK YOUR CALENDAR ----------------
On December 9 at 9am we'll hold our first swim clinic of the year! Our focus will be STROKE ANALYSIS. We'll video your stroke and analyze your strengths and weaknesses on the big screen. If you can attend, please CLICK HERE to RSVP by December 7 at noon.
MOTIVATION -----------
for the holiday.......
or even.......
Registration is open for one of our favorite races! The 4th Annual Cardinal Strut 5k, 10K and 1.2 mile fun run is March 2, 2013 and registration is NOW OPEN! The EARLY BIRD catches the WORM! Register before November 31 and save $5 on each registration!!! Plus, let me know if you'd like to participate as Then start running! If you'd like to participate in the 5K or 10K, let me know! We need five runners to form a team. Last year, the YDUBTRICLUB teams placed first in the 10K and third in the 5K!
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